Monday, May 5, 2014

Easy Relaxing and Raining

It was a rather mellow day here on the Henro Michi. I didn't get up with the roosters and go tearing out trying to beat any time deadlines. Mayulee here at my little hotel took me down the mountain to temple 61 and I walked in the pouring rain from there to 62, 63, and 64. They were all just a few kilometers apart and I was finished with my temple visits by noon. She came and picked me up and took me back to the hotel. It has been a very relaxing day and all of my ridiculous injuries are busy healing. I hope I am finished falling for a while. I'm starting to feel like a clumsy oaf!

Temple 61 was sure an unusual place. It was such a sharp contrast to all of the others because the main hall was a modern concrete building. It seemed completely out of place after seeing so many with the traditional architecture.

I was most impressed by number 64 though. It had the most incredible forested setting. One of the buildings was at the top of an incredibly long and narrow flight of stone stairs. The walk up those steps was the most work I had done all day. It was enjoyable even in the rain.

When I got back to my hotel I was greeted with a delicious lunch. It's amazing that the Japanese are not all fat, because they certainly eat well. I'm going to miss having rice and udon and fish with all of my meals when I get home again. I know I will be far too lazy to treat myself to such delicious cuisine at home.

Tomorrow I will face another mountaintop temple. But I'm not planning to walk the 44 kilometers to it. I booked a hotel nearby and plan to hop the train and just climb the mountain itself. I do hope the rain is finished though

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